A New Chapter: From Twitch to Kick Streaming

Hey everyone,

I’ve got some big news to share with you all today. After a long and memorable journey with Twitch, I’ve decided to turn the page and start a new chapter in my streaming career. I’m excited to announce that I’m now live streaming on Kick!

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why the switch?” Well, let me tell you, it wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Twitch has been a significant part of my journey, but over time, I’ve felt the need for a platform that aligns more closely with my values, particularly when it comes to freedom of speech and expression.

Kick, though still in its Beta phase, promises to be a game-changer in the streaming industry. It’s a platform that champions the freedom of speech and expression, allowing streamers like myself to create and share content without the fear of undue censorship. This is a breath of fresh air in an industry that often feels like it’s walking on eggshells.

Don’t get me wrong, Twitch has its merits, but the high level of censorship and the large percentages it takes from its streamers have been a growing concern for me. It’s been a bit like trying to paint a masterpiece with someone constantly looking over your shoulder, ready to snatch away your paintbrush.

On the other hand, Kick is like a blank canvas waiting for us to splash our creativity on it. It’s a platform that encourages us to be ourselves, to express our thoughts freely, and to create content that truly resonates with our audience.

Yes, Kick is still in its Beta phase, and not all functions are available at the moment. But, I’m optimistic about the direction the company is heading. The team behind Kick is passionate and dedicated, constantly working to improve and add new features that will enhance our streaming experience.

I believe that Kick has the potential to revolutionize the streaming industry. It’s not just about watching videos; it’s about creating a community where everyone feels heard and valued. It’s about giving power back to the creators and the viewers, making streaming a more inclusive space.

So, here I am, ready to embark on this new adventure with Kick. I’m excited about the possibilities and the freedom that this platform offers. I hope you’ll join me on this journey and continue to support me as we explore this new frontier together.

Remember, it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey. And I can’t wait to share this new journey with all of you on Kick.

See you there!

Fully Supported by your Kindness


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